Diego Guido
Diego Guido earned his Geologist degree and obtained his Ph.D. in Natural Sciences at
the La Plata National University (UNLP), Argentina. He has been a Researcher at the National Scientific and Technical
Research Council (CONICET) since 2005 and has taught “Ore Deposit Geology” as a Professor at UNLP since 2009 and he has been Director at the Mineral Resources Institute (INREMI) since 2021.
He is also a Professor in the Metallogeny module for Mining Geology Specialization at
Buenos Aires University
(UBA), an Advisor of the Society of Economic Geologists (SEG), and a
Regional Councillor of
the International Association on the Genesis of Ore Deposits (IAGOD).
Dr. Guido has specialized in researching epithermal systems in his more than 25-year career
studying mineral deposits in volcanic environments. He worked as Senior Technical Advisor
for Argentex Mining Corporation between 2006 and 2015, Exploration Vice President for
Austral Goldmining company between 2016 and 2018, Exploration Director for Astra Exploration and is a founding partner of DG Exploraciones, having been consultant for more than 30 mining companies in different countries since 1998. In addition, he is author of more than 200 scientific articles and more than 100 technical reports. He performs and supervises researchers, postdocs, and PhD, masters and undergraduate students in Argentina, New Zealand, Australia, China, United States, South Africa and Chile.

Sebastián Jovic
Sebastián Jovic earned his Geologist degree and obtained his Ph.D. in Natural Sciences at the La Plata National University (UNLP), Argentina. He has been a CONICET Researcher since 2012, teaching Ore Deposits (UNLP) since 2007 and Professor on Mining Geology (Buenos Aires University) since 2020.
In his 18 years of experience, Dr. Jovic has specialized in structural controls of epithermal
systems and their application to the generation of predictive models that assist in exploration. He has worked as a Technical Advisor to the Argentex Mining Corporation between 2006 and 2015, as a Senio Exploration researcher at the Austral Gold company between 2016 and 2018, as a Senior Exploration Geologist between 2020 and 2021 for Cerrado Gold, and as a consultant to various mining companies since 2005. Additionally, he has taught postgraduate courses in different universities and training courses in mining companies and is the author of more than 75 scientific articles and more than 25 technical reports. He also supervises doctoral and undergraduate students at the UNLP.

Gerardo "Tito" Páez
Gerardo "Tito" Páez earned his Geologist degree and obtained his
Ph.D. in Natural Sciences at the La Plata National University (UNLP), Argentina. He has been
researcher at CONICET since 2013 and Head of Practical Works of Igneous Petrology (UNLP) since 2009.
In his more than 15 years of experience, Dr. Páez has specialized in the study of
volcanic and epithermal systems. During this period he has also worked as a
consultant for many companies in the mining sector.
He has also participated in the delivery of courses and conferences in different university
fields. His scientific-academic production includes more than 100 articles and
technical reports and supervision in the training of doctoral and undergraduate students at the UNLP.

Luciano López
Luciano López earned his Geologist degree and obtained his Ph.D. in Natural Sciences
at the La Plata National University (UNLP), Argentina. He has been a
CONICET Researcher since 2015, a professor at UNLP since 1999 and is
currently an Adjunct Professor of the Geological Survey (UNLP) since 2012.
In his 15 years of experience he has specialized in the study of epithermal deposits.
In recent years, Dr. López has focused his interest in three-dimensional
modeling of mineral deposits through Leapfrog Geo and in the production of virtual
outcropping models using photogrammetric techniques. He has taught
undergraduate and graduate courses and has published more than 50 scientific articles and technical reports.

Matías Galina
Matías Galina earned his Geologist degree and obtained his Ph.D. in Natural Sciences
at the La Plata National University (UNLP), Argentina. He has been a teacher since 2006 and
is currently a Certified Assistant in the Chair of Fundamentals of Geology (UNLP).
In his years of experience he has specialized in the study of epithermal deposits
of high sulfurization. In recent years, Dr. Galina has focused his interest
in mineralogical study, and modeling of metallogenetic pulses and their implications
in mining exploration. He has published the results of his research in
both national and international scientific meetings. In recent years he
has made technical reports for the exploration and mineral resource areas
of mining companies in Argentina and Chile.

Diego Sebastián Palma
Diego Palma earned his Geologist Degree and obtained his PhD in Natural Sciences at the La Plata National University (UNLP), Argentina. He currently is a CONICET postdoc student and has been teaching Economical Geology (UNLP) since 2017.
Dr. Palma has specialized on the study of epithermal deposits, with special emphasis on the characterization and evolution of hydrothermal mineralizing fluids, with the goal of generating tools of vectorization to apply in exploration. He has published scientifical articles on national and international journals and has participated on the elaboration of technical reports for mining companies. Additionally, he supervises the development of graduate students of UNLP.

Facundo de Martino
Facundo De Martino
earned his Geologist Degree and obtained his PhD in Natural Sciences at the La Plata National University (UNLP), Argentina. He currently is a postdoc student of CONICET and has been teaching Geological Mapping (UNLP) since 2014.
Dr. De Martino has specialized on the study of epithermal deposits, with special emphasis on the structural and lithological controls of epithermal systems and their application to the generation of predictive models for their exploration. He has published scientifical articles on national and international magazines and has participated in the elaboration of technical reports for Argentinian mining companies.